Fourth of Six

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dan O'Day's advice on how to turn down a job

Dan O'Day is a radio personality who writes, performs, and sells comedy for radio shows. I recently heeded his advice regarding how to turn down a job. It is about radio jobs, but it could apply to any job. Funny stuff.


At 2:29 PM, Blogger Dan O'Day said...

(Sorry if this appears twice. The first time it gave my identify as "Editor," for reasons known only to...Well, to someone other than me.

Hi, Becky....

Thanks very much for linking to the piece I wrote.

You said you actually used some of the advice in turning down a job

Did it work?

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Becky said...

Yes, I was struggling with a decision to turn down a job, for the main reason that I didn't want to disappoint the woman who wanted to hire me.

You said, "At times, you will be tempted to accept the wrong offer simply because you do not want to offend the other party. If you ever feel that temptation, kick yourself very, very hard.

When a prospective employer decides you are not right for a job you've interviewed for, that employer does not consider offering it to you simply out of fear of hurting your feelings."


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