Fourth of Six

Listen Up! There will be a test!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Keillor: Born-agains should not have right to vote

Via WorldNet Daily
Speaking in the aftermath of the presidential election, Democrat radio host Garrison Keillor says he is on a quest to take away the right of born-again Christians to vote, saying their citizenship is actually in heaven, not the United States.

Keillor, host of the popular National Public Radio show "A Prairie Home Companion," made the comments during a speech at Chicago's Rockefeller Memorial Chapel and during his radio monologue the Saturday after the election.
According to a transcript of the show, Keillor said, "I am now the chairman of a national campaign to pass a constitutional amendment to take the right to vote away from born-again Christians. [enthusiastic audience applause] Just a little project of mine. My feeling is that born-again people are citizens of heaven, that is where there citizenship is, [laughter] is in heaven, it's not here among us in America. ..."

During the Chicago speech Nov. 3, Keillor described his reaction to the re-election of President Bush.

"I am a Democrat – it's no secret. I am a museum-quality Democrat," Keillor said. "Last night I spent my time crouched in a fetal position, rolling around and moaning in the dark."

According to a report in the University of Chicago's Chicago Maroon, Keillor told the audience: "If born-again Christians are allowed to vote in this country, then why not Canadians?"

Though Keillor's comments about disenfranchising born-again Christians apparently was made in jest, posters on were not amused.

"Replace 'born-again Christians' with 'black people' and Keillor should get a sense of the depths of his bigotry," said on post.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Maturity, not morality, won the election

If I had to characterize this election in a single phrase, I'd say it was an election about maturity, not morality. It was a referendum on serious issues and ultimately George Bush won because he was more serious about them than his opponent.

You've probably heard the reference before that the Democratic Party is the "mommy party" and the GOP is the "daddy party." The bottom line is that since 9/11 the country has been in no mood to listen to mommy.

Think about it. Democrats got their clocks cleaned in 2002 and again this year. They've suffered two history-defying losses in the last two cycles. As much as Democrats would like to boil these losses down to the bigotry of the South and/or the fear-mongering of Republicans, they simply can't seem come to grips with the primary reason for their failure: an inability to pass the national security test with the American people.

It's not that Democrats can't pass the test, but that they deliberately refuse to by shunning hawkish members of their party (like Joe Lieberman and Dick Gephardt) and by embracing antiwar leftists (like Michael Moore and Howard Dean). It's a schism that makes it extremely difficult for Democrats to be competitive nationally or in the South, and no one better represented the schism, both in symbol and in substance, than John Kerry. His campaign this year was the ultimate effort to dress mommy up like daddy, and voters could tell the difference. - T. Bevan
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Arafat Still Dead (

Arafat Still Dead ( " In an amazing turn of events, Saeb Erekat has announced this morning that Araft is still apparently dead. There is no word as to how long they expect his condition to last."

Monday, November 08, 2004

Brooks: Election fact: It wasn't about values, stupid (liberals)

Here's a contrary opinion:
via "But the same insularity that caused many liberals to lose touch with the rest of the country now causes them to simplify, misunderstand and condescend to the people who voted for Bush. If you want to understand why Democrats keep losing elections, just listen to some coastal and university town liberals talk about how conformist and intolerant people in Red America are. It makes you wonder: Why is it that people who are completely closed-minded talk endlessly about how open-minded they are?"

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Moral Values Propel Bush to Re-Election

via Yahoo! News :
Democrats on Wednesday were trying to figure out how they can extend their appeal to voters outside the cities and to voters who are involved with religion.

"The Democratic Party needs to be more comfortable on cultural and national security issues," said Al From, founder and chief executive of the Democratic Leadership Council, a moderate think tank.

See how the AP refers to this think tank as "moderate". What kind of euphemism is "more comfortable". Does that mean they are going to have to familiarize themselves with cultural and national security issues, because those are alien to them? Or because the values they do hold are wrong? It means they're going to have to pretend to share those values with the rest of us.

A majority of swing state voters named strong leadership, having clear stands on issues, being honest and trustworthy and having strong religious faith as the most valued qualities in a candidate. All of those groups favored Bush.
Democratic pollster Doug Schoen...and other Democrats said the party needs to relearn how to appeal to rural voters and religious voters.
They'll have to lie to do it.
"'Bush successfully appealed to his base and to a wider base on moderate to conservative social issues like gay marriage and prayer in school,' said James Thurber, a political science professor at American University. 'Democrats have to learn to appeal to those people.' "

I like how he calls us "those people".

See, Democrats can't appeal to religious people or based on moral issues, without lying, because they are immoral and irreligious. Don't forget this in four years. There will be a test. For the next election, in order to "appeal to us", they are going to have to lie and pretend. Watch for it.

Democrats see the economy as being of paramount value, so they are easy to bribe with the promise of increased government spending on social programs. How shallow can you be?

Monday, November 01, 2004

Cocky conservatives

I'm afraid low voter-turnout on the part of Republicans will result in a victory for Kerry. I think it's because of overly-confident, naive religious conservatives who are resting on their "faith", which is actually naive optimism. I wish conservatives wouldn't be so overly-confident of a victory for Bush. I think it's mostly the religious right, who listens mainly to Rush Limbaugh and others who tickle their itching ears. You think anyone who doubts a Bush victory is being a faithless cynic. Just because you are on the side of Truth, Justice, and the American Way, doesn't guarantee a victory on Nov 2. Your confidence springs from the belief that no one in their right mind would vote for Kerry. You underestimate the number of self-deceived, deluded, wrong-headed lunatics out there. You think you're having faith that God's man always wins. Well, sometimes the Devil's man wins because God's people are lazy, self-righteous, naive, and self-confident.