Fourth of Six

Listen Up! There will be a test!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ark replica in Netherlands says creationist Johan Huibers made a 1/5 scale model replica of Noah's ark, and it's ready to sail

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Imus Firing Is Height Of Hypocrisy And Irony

via -


Netflix has Sheffey

I can't believe that Netflix rents Sheffey.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Biblical Liberation from Liberalism::By Michael Medved

Once again, Michael Medved hits one out of the park, with this biblical article for the proper attitude toward so-called "social justice."

Leftists should take note: "loving your neighbor" doesn't involve protecting him against the just consequences of his own mistakes, or giving him special dispensation if he's unlucky, or punishing the productive in the name of helping the less fortunate.

A just and loving society, in other words, doesn't enshrine victimhood and doesn't see a contradiction between justice and compassion. Both are attributes of the living God but they shouldn't be confused.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Holy Toast!

Holy Toast

Push this plastic miracle maker in to your piece of bread, toast it, and "presto," instant amazement and awe!
Archie McPhee: Toys, Gifts & Novelties


Friday, April 06, 2007

Winter Auto Kit

This is the wrong time to be posting about a Winter Auto Kit, but this kit is also a good all-around survival kit. It's a bit large for a sedan, so you might have to scale back, if you don't drive an SUV or truck. The things on the list I need to get are:

Spare fan belts
transmission fluid & brake fluid in 1 liter bottles
tube of Plumber’s Goop
20 ft. tow strap
12v air compressor
Emergency flares
cat litter

I have most of the other stuff. My stove is different, and I don't have or want a hatchet.

I don't have cat litter, but it is handy for sprinkling on the ice or snow to gain traction.

I haven't see flares for sale in a store since I've been looking for them. It must be because of the terrorists.