Find a Pro-Life doctor
I understand not wanting to see an obstetrician or gynecologist who does abortions. I don't even want to see a doctor if he is a partner with or shares a practice with someone who does abortions. If you're looking for a pro-life OB/GYN, check for membership in the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians & Gynecologists.
There are folks who are so principled against family planning that they won't see a doctor who provides it. There is a list of no-family-planning doctors of all specialties on the One More Soul blog. NFP doctors don't provide contraception of any kind.
Then there are folks who hope to avoid using any of the products or by-products of abortion in their medicine. Cog for Life has a list of pro-life doctors "willing to provide ethical alternatives to aborted fetal cell line vaccines."
Labels: abortion, conservative, health, opinion, parenting, politics, religion, resources