Fourth of Six

Listen Up! There will be a test!

Thursday, May 27, 2004

This is SO WRONG

There's a command in the Bible against this.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

His Dark Materials review by Tehanu

I must say this is a good essay on the Phillip Pullman trilogy and how it contrasts sharply with Tolkien's. I found HDM very readable, effective story, which I couldn't put down. The villain of the books was alluded to, hinted at, and described in such a way that he appeared to be a devil. Therefore, I was dismayed, when the villain of the piece is revealed, half way through the second book, to be God (I'm not kidding here, it's God with a big "G"). As Tehanu quotes one writer as saying, it is ‘the most vicious attack on organised religion this reviewer has ever seen’. It portrays God as being the enemy of our soul's happiness, by trying to separate us from what we love the most--ourselves. It is a celebration of the material world, with sin and separation from God being the highest achievements of mankind. Sin is portrayed as a necessary developmental milestone and the Fall as liberation.

As fantasy, these books feed our own worst nature. They answer the question, "what if we could live in a world where sin was good?"

These books should be kept away from all children.



Tuesday, May 25, 2004

James S. Robbins on George W. Bush @ Army War College on NRO

James S. Robbins on George W. Bush @ Army War College on NRO

Hollywood Values

Theron Gets Broody

South African actress Charlize Theron is ready to settle down and have a baby after winning her Best Actress Oscar earlier this year. The blonde beauty, 28, admits now she has established herself as a serious actresses after her performance in Monster, she can concentrate on other aspects of her life. Theron, who has been dating Irish actor Stuart Townsend for two years, told reporters at the Cannes Film Festival at the weekend, she is looking forward to starting a family. She says, "The Oscar was like getting a sign, a seal of approval. I'd like to devote myself to a little person at home right now. When I left South Africa, I never believed I would find this success. Now I have got it, I want something more lasting, more fulfilling. Stuart feels the same way."

from story #3 on May 25,2004

For you women who feel inadequate when you compare your ordinary status as wife and mother to the glamorous Hollywood sex symbols, see, they envy you too! What you have is "more lasting, more fulfilling".

Saturday, May 22, 2004



Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Why the Alliance between Catholics and the Democratic Party Has Broken Down

Why the Alliance between Catholics and the Democratic Party Has Broken Down

I'm not a Catholic, but I like this article I found on the Catholic Web site, which was a sponsored link in response to my Google search for "culture war". The author makes a lot of good points. As a sociology major, I was well aware of the historical link between the Catholic Church and the Democratic Party. I'm gratified to see that he thinks this link is breaking down over moral and philosophical differences. I've long been disappointed in Catholics who've allowed their social concerns to override their moral judgment in other areas.

TCS: Tech Central Station - Lessons of a Murder

TCS: Tech Central Station - Lessons of a Murder

Great response to Nick Berg's murder.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

WorldNetDaily - A Free Press for a Free People

One thing I like about the conservative alternative press, is that they remind me of fundamental truths that the Leftist machine has replaced with newspeak. For example, the real meaning of "censorship" is when the government makes it illegal to say certain things, or when you suffer a loss of rights or freedoms as a result of dissenting speech. However, NPR and other Lefties would have us believe that when I call Susan Sarandon a commie pinko, we are "censoring" her with "hate speech". It is true, that I hate her SPEECH, but that's only quid pro quo. She hates mine, too.

LEARN to DISCERN, people.

Antioch Road

Here's a blog by a young man who is a husband, father, Christian, pro-life, conservative, etc. All my favorite things! I applaud you, Jason, for your courage, your convictions, your beautiful wife and daughter. You glorify God and your light shines bright in a dark world. I like your style. Big ups.

OpinionJournal - Peggy Noonan

Thanks to Antioch Road blog for this link. It didn't used to be this way.

Michael Moore, Humbug by Kay S. Hymowitz

City Journal Summer 2003 | Michael Moore, Humbug by Kay S. Hymowitz

This is from last year. Michael Moore is an evil fool.

History repeats itself

I believe in the cyclical view of history, in which civilizations rise and fall periodically. I have read that there are many parallels between the American Experiment and the Roman Empire. We may have yet to reach the peak of our power, but Rome was at its peak around the 200 year mark and was destroyed inwardly by moral decadence, which made it vulnerable to overthrow by the barbarians from the north. Our moral decay is evidenced by the Massachusetts "marriages" and our barbarians are from the Middle East.

Fetal Stem Cell research

Lev 18:21

I think that using the tissue of unborn babies in so-called "medicine" is like sacrificing your child for the sake of your own comfort, health, or safety, which is a barbaric thing to do. God commanded Israel to destroy the neighboring nations that practiced child sacrifice, and now we are on the verge of becoming such a nation ourselves. It will be our downfall.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Grace Community Church

This is the sort of church in which millionaires and winos sit in the same service. I think Bill Goans is a courageous, Biblical preacher. I think many of the people who attend want to love their neighbors, because we have alot of service, outreach, and missions. We have a lot of missionaries from within our own membership whom we support. Our greatest weakness, aside from the pulpit, is adult Bible education.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


I have to say to the BBC that I'd like to see Eastenders on DVD so I can find out what happened in the early days of my favorite soap opera. It's a frequently-number-one hit on British TV, available only on certain public TV stations here in the USA. BBC America dropped it. Poop on them.

New toy

I recently bought an original 5 Gb iPod (used) from Small Dog Electronics in Vermont. I'm very pleased with it. It arrived in an iPod box, with software CD, charger and earbuds.

They sent me a couple of little plastic dogs with my order.

Go to Small Dog

I love Small Dog, even though they're a bunch of Lefties, because they give good capitalism anyway.

Monday, May 03, 2004


My brother David is a driver for Schneider trucking, along with about 50,000 other people. I worry about him. I received a postcard from him that he sent from Ottawa, Canada on April 28. Nice. He said the trees are just budding and the lake has only just thawed. The high was 38 fahrenheit.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

In which I confess to being an almost hardcore Anglophile

London Underground Guide - information and fun on the world's oldest subway system with Going

This is a native's guide to The Tube. Love it. Never been there. I thought I was doing good to ride the Metro in Washington, D.C. and the MARTA in Atlanta. Sheesh. The Tube is a mare's nest compared to those. A.K.A. The London Underground.