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Listen Up! There will be a test!
Find affordable housing for rent, in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, and North Carolina, or for sale in Colorado and North Carolina.
I learned a new one. Neal Boortz refers to the Islamic fundamentalists as "weird beards". Cute.
Greensboro-based columnist Ed Cone provides
"a bipartisan, multimedia template that works for any point of view on the partisan spectrum, in any venue. Forget talking points -- these are shouting points. Repeat after me:Sounds like the Democrats, to me.
"I am right, and you are wrong.
You are not just wrong, you and those like you are intellectually insufficient and morally suspect. Why do you hate our country? Think of the children. God said to tell you that he is not pleased.
Stop interrupting me while I'm shouting. Feel the crushing weight of my arguments, which are built on logic and constructed from facts that are sturdy and sound. You just whine about how you feel.
"Your information is flawed because it came from a source I know to be aligned with the forces of darkness. I am able to parse the media and edit what I see for bias and spin, while you are a gullible sap who believes everything you see on the TV or read in that wholly discredited rag you just quoted. "
Oscar Night America parties are charity fund-raising events which allow local people to join in the fun and glamour of the Oscars without having to go too far from home.
Forty-five cities will participate in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' program, which supports local charitable Academy Awards® show viewing parties and provides them with some extra elements of glamour such as posters, programs and the use of the Academy's famous Oscar® logo.
Our Top Pick: Nisha Coffey and Ed Moye
No event jumped out at us for its kinetic creativity more than last summer’s 48-Hour Film Project, in which filmmakers had 48 hours to make an eight-minute film. The people responsible for bringing this example of cinematic insanity to Greensboro were Nisha Coffey and Ed Moye, two friends who met while studying filmmaking at UNCG. They worked 18 months to bring the 48-Hour Film Project to Greensboro, overcoming the doubts of national organizers who said, “I’ve never heard of Greensboro.” The result? Twenty-two teams competed, a winner was announced, and next month, a DVD is expected to be available for everyone to see what kind of talent exists around us. And the best part? We can expect the 48-Hour Film Project to come back next year.
FrontPage :: by Robert Spencer: "Two Christian pastors in Australia have been found guilty of religious vilification of Muslims. The decision threatens us all." Read the rest is a free database of streaming audio and mp3 format sermons from fundamentalist pastors all over the world. You can post yours or listen to others. It's an amazing service.
Modest Needs is a blog that gives out money. You have to apply, and qualify, but there are no strings attached, and they don't discriminate. It's intended to help people with extraordinary financial emergencies that affect their independence, and their limit is $1,000.00.
by Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily: About theories of evolution: "If something in science suddenly becomes so sacrosanct that you can't question it, then it ceases to be science. It's actually a contradiction of the principles of science and the scientific method, which requires testing, evidence, proof. "
via The New York Times : "Directions to purgatory are as follows: from Los Angeles drive east past Palm Springs into the bowels of the Mojave Desert. Turn south at the stench of the Salton Sea. Proceed down Highway 111 to the town of Niland, a broken-down place of limited possibilities. "
Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point Restaurants: Very nice searchable directory of area restaurants. Includes menus, prices, hours, contact info.
Fans of the Philip Pullman novel His Dark Materials have expressed outrage over news that director-screenwriter Chris Weitz (American Pie) has removed references to God and the Catholic church in the movie. Weitz told a website set up by fans of the novel,, that New Line Cinema, the company producing the film, has "expressed worry about the possibility of perceived anti-religiosity." He said that the studio had told him that if the references remained, the project would become "unviable financially." He remarked that he had discussed the matter with Pullman, who had told him that the role of the Authority (God) in his book, could be transformed into "any arbitrary establishment that curtails the freedom of the individual." The religious villains in the film, he said, "may appear in more subtle guises." He added: "you will probably not hear of the 'Church.'" One fan posted a message on the website calling the changes a "blatant cop-out to the Bible Belt of America."
Yahoo! News - Consumer Reports gives Apple high marks: "With so many of the other companies falling in tech support satisfaction, Consumer Reports concludes, 'companies aren't investing enough in their support operations.'
Here is a sample of "213 Things Skippy Can't Do in the U.S. Army":
by Mary Eberstadt - Policy Review, No. 128
"The odd truth about contemporary teenage music — the characteristic that most separates it from what has gone before — is its compulsive insistence on the damage wrought by broken homes, family dysfunction, checked-out parents, and (especially) absent fathers. Papa Roach, Everclear, Blink-182, Good Charlotte, Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam, Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, Tupac Shakur, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Eminem — these and other singers and bands, all of them award-winning top-40 performers who either are or were among the most popular icons in America, have their own generational answer to what ails the modern teenager. Surprising though it may be to some, that answer is: dysfunctional childhood. Moreover, and just as interesting, many bands and singers explicitly link the most deplored themes in music today — suicide, misogyny, and drugs — with that lack of a quasi-normal, intact-home personal past.
To put this perhaps unexpected point more broadly, during the same years in which progressive-minded and politically correct adults have been excoriating Ozzie and Harriet as an artifact of 1950s-style oppression, many millions of American teenagers have enshrined a new generation of music idols whose shared generational signature in song after song is to rage about what not having had a nuclear family has done to them. "
Excerpt fromWhatever: The 10 Least Successful Holiday Specials of All Time: "The Lost Star Trek Christmas Episode: 'A Most Illogical Holiday' (1968)
>"Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions"--G.K. Chesterton.
Dissecting Leftism: "Leftists have a desperate need to prove that they are right. Conservatives are just interested in the facts "
Clusty the Clustering Engine New search engine clusters your results by categories roughly gleaned from their context. I searched for "Netflix" and the results were clustered by "blogs", "dvd rental", "history", etc. These allow you to view your results according to what cluster they fall in. Provides some very interesting viewing. Has a variety of search tabs, like "gossip" or "encyclopedia", which narrow your search for you. Review / Medion MD 95200 Review Last week, one of the special offers at Aldi Markets in Northern Germany was for a new 20gb DAP, the MD 95200. The player is distributed by Medion, like most consumer electronics at Aldi. It was kind of a surprise since there was no word of the device before it went on sale and because there isn't much information about it on the web or anywhere else.
Via Kevin Kelly -- Cool ToolsThis device, which you connect to your TV, allows you to digitally record up to 80 hours of TV, which you can then play back at your leisure, without the monthly Tivo subscription fee.
This is what the American pioneer spirit is all about:
"I spent nearly five years, from mid-1996 to the beginning of 2001, homeless, or as I liked to call it with a distributed household. I had storage, shelter, mailbox, telephone, shower, bathroom facilities, cooking equipment, and transportation, even access to television, radio, computer equipment, and ac power. I had the essence of a home. It was simply more geographically scattered than is traditional in our culture."Read it: