Fourth of Six

Listen Up! There will be a test!

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Eight Habits of Highly Popular People

"If you were ever the last person picked for a team or asked to dance at a party, you've probably despaired that popular people are born with complete self-confidence and impeccable social skills. But over the past 20 years, a large body of research in the social sciences has established that what was once thought the province of manna or magic is now solidly our own doing -- or undoing. Great relationships, whether friendships or romances, don't fall out of the heavens on a favored few. They depend on a number of very sophisticated but human-scale social skills. These skills are crucial to developing social confidence and acceptance. And it is now clear that everyone can learn them."
Psychology Today is ordinarily full of hogwash, but this article about shyness is full of practical insights and solutions. I highly recommend it.

The Art of the Apology

This is a good guide apologizing in a constructive, meaningful way, if you want to preserve your relationship with the person you've hurt.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I saw this on live TV

Today in History: "On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon as they stepped out of their lunar module."

Neal Boortz will be at Barnes & Noble in Greensboro

Neal Boortz, author of The FairTax Book, will be at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Greensboro, NC on Aug 14, 2005 at 07:00 PM.

3102 Northline Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27408

How To Be A Good Demoncrat!

Some of you do this stuff already.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

2005 Oscar Shorts Program

Cinematique Carolina presents
2005 Oscar Shorts Program
Monday, July 25 at 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m.
at the Carolina Theatre in Greensboro, NC

Next stop, Greensboro! After successful screenings in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Atlanta, the Carolina Theatre presents Apollo Cinema's unique showcase of this years Academy Award nominated short films debuts at the Historic Carolina Theatre.
Carol Crowe, President of Apollo Cinema, a company that exclusively distributes short films worldwide, has created a unique showcase for the fifth consecutive year that gives moviegoers the rare opportunity to see a slate of live-action and animated short films nominated at 2005's Academy Awards.
Tickets are $7 for Adults, $5 for Seniors and Students.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

July UNCG Surplus Sale

Don't forget the July Surplus Sale is Friday, July 9, from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the UNCG Surplus Property Warehouse.

VCR: It altered our lives forever

Journal Gazette: "The video marketplace was spawned in 1977 when George Atkinson ordered one VHS and one Beta copy of each of 50 movies from an ad in TV Guide.

Using those titles, he transformed his 8mm movie rental storefront in Los Angeles to Video Station. He charged a $50 annual membership and $10 a day to rent movies."

Read more

Rent a negro

" is a state-of-the-arts service that allows you the chance to promote your connection with a creative, articulate, friendly, attractive, and pleasing African American person. This service comes without the commitment of learning about racism, challenging your own white privilege, or being labeled 'radical.' In fact, allows you to use your money and status to your advantage! In addition, your dollars go to support the development of African American culture...everyone benefits!"

I'm sorry to say that I've rented a black person before. I've asked someone to give me the "black opinion" on something, as if one person could/should represent their entire race. This book and Web site is really good at pointing out my ignorance on the subject of race.

The Skull Island Diet

Don't be shocked when you see Peter Jackson at the premiere of his movie King Kong. As the movie has grown, he has shrunk. Now he's scary thin. See photo here.